4 Ways to Combat Burnout

Some may think, “How can burnout already be a topic of discussion when we have only gotten through two months of the year?”  Let me tell you, burnout can be an everyday fight.

Remember that too much of anything is not healthy. Balance is what we are striving for, not overdoing it to the point of burnout. Also, keep in mind burnout is NOT just related to work, it can be related to friends, social life, chronic illness, chores, fitness, and much more. Just think: when you light your candle and it keeps burning to the point it has no more wick, you got it; burn out.

There are hundreds of tips to help manage burn out and I have a few to add, if you're interested. My BIGGEST piece of advance, and it applies to everything, is BALANCE. We all sway back and forth, that's everyday life. We are human and are made to sway! Being mindful of the action, choices, and goals for ourselves is how we achieve some level of balance.

I will give an example; my body has been extra stiff lately and I notice that joint pain sneaking up on me. So my activity level has decreased pretty drastically. I paused my workout routine and stopped using my treadmill at work. I just needed to rest my body. After a month of resting, I do not seem to be doing better and now my hip is now out of whack from sitting TOO much (body is burned out in another way) and I need to find some time for movement again. Walking seems to be the easiest thing on my body so that is exactly what I started doing. Walking the dogs on the weekend and taking my kids to the park during the week. Movement is important for our bodies, and we need to rest when the body needs it but too much rest can also cause issues. Balance.

What do I do to combat burnout? Here are four steps I personally take to rejuvenate my mind, body, and spirit:

  • Listen to your body and mind. If you need a 20-minute break, take it!

  • Limit screen time. Try and take a walking meeting instead of sitting at your desk.

  • Enhance your environment. Play music, set mood lighting, whatever you can do to feel good where you spend the most time.

  • Be mindful of exercise and nutrition. Both are imperative to creating a healthy mood and mindset, but do not let it stress you or burn you out.

Headaches, tears, hair loss, anxiety, and stress are just some of the signs of burnout. If you are dealing with these, it is time for a change. What is your body telling you what you need? My last piece of advice is this: burnout will not go away after a restful weekend. It is about changing and adapting your lifestyle to suit your mental and physical needs and capabilities. Be kind to your mind and body and they will be kind to you.

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